Services We Offer

a necklace hanging on a wall

Asthma Review

This is performed by one of our Practice Nurses or Pharmacists. Please do attend regular asthma reviews to ensure optimal control of your symptoms.

Diabetes Review

This is performed by a Practice Pharmacist, Practice Nurse or Diabetic Specialist Nurse. It is important that all Diabetic patients attend regular reviews as control of Diabetes can prevent serious complications in the future.

blood pressure

Blood Pressure & Heart Disease Reviews

Our Practice Pharmacists and Nurses will provide reviews for both these conditions in addition to seeing a Doctor. It is important that you attend regular appointments in order to minimise the risk of future complications including heart attacks and strokes.

a couple of people that are talking to each other

Cervical Smears

Women will be invited for cervical screening as follows:

  • Aged 25 to 49 – Every 3 years
  • Aged 50 to 64 – Every 5 years

Aged 65 or older – Only if 1 or your last 3 tests was abnormal


Family Planning

Our family planning clinics offer free, confidential advice and information about contraception and sexual health.

Please book an appointment (through reception or via our online services) with your GP to discuss any of the above in more detail.

Sexual Health Services are also provided at:

Caryl Thomas Clinic, Headstone Drive, Harrow HA1 4UQ (020) 8427 4484, full information can be found here.

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Emergency Contraception

If you’ve forgotten to take your pill, your condom split or you’ve had unprotected sex in the last 72 hours then you may need emergency contraception, and the sooner you take it the better.

Emergency contraception is available free from Contraception and Sexual Health Services, some GPs (family doctors) and most pharmacies (chemists), even if you’re under 16.

If you’ve had unprotected sex or your condom failed, it is also really important to consider your risk for sexually transmitted infections and to think about your long-term contraception needs. Please phone the surgery to book an emergency appointment.

a large pair of scissors

Minor Surgery

A range of services are provided at the surgery including wart freezing and joint injections.

Please enquire at reception for details.

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Exercise on Prescription

A subsidised service is provided for Harrow residents at local gyms. For further information Tel: 020 8863 9798.

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Smoking Cessation

A free professional service is provided by local pharmacies participating in the ‘Harrow Stop Smoking’ programme including prescribing of nicotine replacement.

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Warfarin Monitoring

Warfarin is a vitamin K antagonist which thins the blood and is used for various conditions, such as Atrial Fibrillation or if you have had a prosthetic heart valve inserted, venous thrombosis, pulmonary embolism or a transient ischaemic attack. This medication is closely monitored due to the potential risk of bleeding, and so if you are taking this medication, you will have regular blood tests and the dose of the medication will be changed accordingly and this will be written clearly in your personal Yellow Book.

When requesting a repeat prescription for Warfarin, the clinicians at the surgery will check that the monitoring has been done before they can safely issue a prescription. Therefore, it is extremely important that you always show the reception staff your Yellow Book to avoid any delays in getting your medication. If you have any questions about this, please get in touch and speak to one of our on-site clinical pharmacists.